Updates from February, 2012 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Mike D. 8:44 am on February 25, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Brad Pitt, , Oscars, Tom Cruise   

    The Cheese is Funny Oscars Live Blog FAQs and Predictions 

    Since we began live blogging a few weeks ago, we’ve fielded tens of questions, about a variety of topics. We thought it would be easier to address them here along with our Oscar predictions, rather than just call our mothers and explain ourselves. If you have any questions about our frequently ask questions, please ponder them quietly.

    Q: Why should I read your live blog as opposed to the other 5 billion Oscar Live Blogs?

    Heberble: Cheese is Funny endeavors to provide a unique blend of humor, information, snarkiness and self-deprecation not found on other websites.  It also provides 40% of the RDA of Vitamin D and Calcium.

    D: You should not.

    Q: What is different about your live blog than the other 5 billion Oscar Live Blogs?

    Heberble: We care about our reader(s).  If there is something on your mind, a deep thought or warm, fuzzy feeling you’d like to share, we’d genuinely like to hear it.  Mostly so we can ridicule it.  Incessantly.  But that’s how we show we care.  And believe me, we care a lot.

    D: Most other blogs give you a running commentary/summary. We operate under the assumption that you are already watching the events we’re blogging…and you have something funny right on the tip of your tongue, and rather than expend the energy to formulate your thought, you can just read it here. Plus, we add the extra bonus of me knowing absolutely nothing about pop culture. My only exposure to news is AppFan.

    (More …)

  • Heberble 7:28 am on February 22, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: liquor cabinet, oscar predictions, red carpet, shenanigans   

    The Oscars 

    Attn Cheese is Funny Reader: It’s getting pretty close to that time again. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY, February 24th at 7pm  Heberble and D will be live-blogging the Oscars (or earlier…we may catch some of the wacky red-carpet shenanigans),

    The actual Academy Awards may not be that interesting, but it is bound to be made cheese-level-funny by the rapid-fire witticisms brought forth by Heberble and D, mostly because the only nominated film either of them will admit to having seen is “Moneyball” (Rumor has it that both of them have actually seen “The Help”, but anyone suspected of perpetuating this will be given a generous portion of Minnie pie).

    In these days leading up to the Oscars, D and Heberble will make their Oscar predictions, recommend the appropriate cheese to go with each film, and begin stocking the liquor cabinet for Sunday night’s live-blogging extravaganza.

    No animals were harmed in the making of this blog. Any resemblance to any person, real or imaginary, is purely coincidental.

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